Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's Super bowl Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited

NOT,  There are many things I would like to do today and watching a game isn't one of them.  I get it in a way, when our Bear's are playing I'm all for it, but the Packers and Steelers....................Think I'll just do my nails.
My friend Kim has the cutest cards on Itsy.  You should check out her Valentine selection.
She lives 80 miles wayyyyyyyyy out in the country so I hope to see her when the weather breaks.
I have spent the morning checking out other fashion bloggers and I'm just blown away.  They sure have set the bar high.  I'll just keep poking and learning as I go.  As long as it's fun it's better than cleaning (what am I saying anything is better than cleaning)
So Happy Super bowl Sunday......Plan you nail athon now!


  1. Looks like we both have the same goal: Fashion for the 40+ (we'll keep us in that category forever). I just started my blog at the end of 2010, and based my topic on my passions, which are finding great labels at thrift stores and then taking my savings all the way to the bank. I'm on a mission to empower women, and it sounds like you are too. I won't be watching the game either! Welcome to blogland!

  2. Hey Tammy! Just got your comment and so glad I was an inspiration! Have been without internet for the last 2 weeks, but I'm back now! Good luck with your blog and I'll be stopping by again~ Paula

  3. Thanks for stopping by. I have a feeling my blog will evolve on it's own. We'll see. Hope to hear from you soon!
